Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Egyptian Democracy at Work

Its time to paint a picture.

1.The Muslim world is struggling to compete with other economic blocs. Hundreds of millions of financially poor people controlled by military regimes and dictators.

2.The uprisings are inspired by first of all, food inflation. Booming population growth, bad weather, and now hoarding by many countries has led to rising prices. Arab Goverments generally subsidise food and gas. Subsidy cuts led to rising prices and let  loose the dogs of anarchy.

3.Under the guise of freedom and democracy, and cheered on by western media, certain elements immediately jumped on the bandwagon of "democracy". For example, The Muslim Brotherhood now talks democracy...but they themselves do not elect leaders democratically. They are a religious tyranny. SHHHHH...You are interupting the party....

4.Forty percent of Egyptians earn 2 dollars a day. Offer them bread and freedom, and point them in the direction of the government. This is the result. By the way, the army is well fed so we can risk a guess who they will support.

5.The Iranian tyranny is licking its lips and cheering (careful what you wish for). The western media intellectuals are rubbing their hands and preparing patronising speeches while pushing their own personal agenda's.

6.Then...Oy vavoy!  Tens of thousands of pro-Mubarak demonstrators attack anti-Mubarak demonstrators and CNN reporters, and all hell breaks loose. The anti goverment dems (excuse the pun), forget their so-called lofty ideals, pocket their twitters and cellphones, and start digging up the pavement stones in the square to turn them into rocks. Hundreds injured....

7.That, ladies and gentlemen, is called Democracy - Egyptian (Arab) Style. And of course, don't  forget, Israel is to  blame!


Considering how dangerous everything is, nothing is really frightening - Gertrude Stein


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