Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Truth About Egypt and Pharaoh Mubarak

THE BIG PICTURE Once again the key to the big picture is the world population growing sevenfold to 7 billion over the last century. The nations of the world are competing for diminishing raw materials and commodities, food being essential. We will reach a point where natural selection comes into play. Survival of the fittest is the name of the game. The competitors are China and Asia, India, Brazil and South America, The Western world and the Muslim world.  Muslim society is not structured to compete with the developed and developing nations and while these countries are on the economic bandwagon, the Muslims (and especially the arab nations) have fallen behind. Islam compensates with violence.

The lack of an educated middle class in these countries has led to rioting and demonstrations across the board as the privileged leadership tries to control the masses by fear and by force. A scary situation as hundreds of millions of hungry and oppressed people are manipulated by evil leadersip (And I use the word evil with intent). Ahminedejad (the madman) is the perfect example of evil incarnate as he encourages the rioting in Egypt. In the not so distant past Adolf Hitler used the same methods. Bottom line, all the rioting is taking place in Sunni Muslim countries supported by the US, and encouraged by Iran, Hizbullah, Hamas, Al Qaida and the different Muslim Brotherhoods. 

Which brings the focus to EGYPT. Have you ever asked yourself this simple question. Is there a democracy anywhere in the Middle East (Besides Israel)? I wrote this in a previous blog about the arab countries - "These guys live on another planet. Think about it. All that oil money and the poorest populations in the world. 50% - 80% of the population unemployed (50% women and many of the men). Employment is usually provided by leaders who seek to protect themselves from the masses. Therefore large armies and police forces well equipped and fed, sponsored by countries in need of oil  and influence."

Fact: Egypt has never been a democracy. Before Mubarak there was Sadat, and before Sadat there was Nasser (another lunatic). They followed a long line of kings and pharaohs. So democracy was never part of their makeup.
The closest they ever reached was a benevolent dictatorship. Watching CNN this weekend, I realised how little the commentators and analysts in the west understand the situation in Egypt.They started by cheering the Egyptian march to freedom. The "haves" cheering on the "have-nots", as if the "haves" of North America had any idea who the "have-nots" are. Then somebody pointed out that only the men were demonstrating together with their children. No Women! The expressions of shock on the faces of the women on the show were a sight to behold. The cheering faltered. Then along comes Ben Weideman (CNN) stirring the pot about the evil dictatorship. That is until he receives a call from his wife that she is handing out baseball bats and knives to neighbours for protection against these same rioters (freedom fighters?). Where the hell are the police? Egypt is NOT populated by 80 million North Americans wearing different clothing! 

Truth is, the reason Mubarak has a  vicious police force, and a large army (besides for his own protection) is because nobody understands his people better than he does. He already knows what Ben Weideman and CNN are slowly realising. Treachery and violence are part of the culture. Revolution in these countries does not lead to freedom and democracy. At best it will give birth to another dictator and at worst The Muslim Brotherhood. The brotherhood won't need violence. An election would suffice. And if you don't believe me, look at Iran, Gaza and lebanon. Ask Democratic King Abdullah of Jordan and democratic King Abdullah (same Family) of Saudi Arabia what they fear most. Ask yourself why Mubarak ignored 5 US presidents. Its the nature of the beast. Until leadership in these countries give a damn about their citizens, the best they can hope for is stability. Unfortunately, the clock is ticking and the natural selection race is on! 

The survival of the Jewish People depends on a strong and democratic Israel.

Remember that there is nothing stable in human affairs; therefore avoid undue elation in prosperity, or undue depression in adversity - Socrates


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