Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Speech: Obama and Israel

After watching Obama and his Middle East policy speech being described by Fox News as a "bombshell" for Israel and further proof of Obama's anti-Israel stance, I have one reaction for Fox. Absolute drivel, clearly motivated by upcoming elections in the US. As regards the Israel-Palestine part of the speech the following might be closer to the truth....

1.Obama called for a two-state solution based on the the 1967 borders with land swaps that would ensure Israeli security. And not a call for a return to the 67 borders, which, even he knows, won't happen. Nothing new here as regards previous administrations.

2.The US will oppose unilateral declaration of independence by the Palestinians at the UN in September. Logical, as it would remove US influence from the process, and would be an empty gesture if the US and Europe do not support it.

3.He mentions the Palestinian refugee problem as an obstacle, which is the most contentious part of the statement, and would immediately end any negotiation between the sides. At worst, an idiotic remark, and at best an empty political statement.

4.The Palestinian Unity Goverment, which includes Hamas, would have to recognise The Jewish State of Israel, as a precondition to talks. Good luck with that one Barack!  

5.Obama urges the Palestinians to return to the table they abandoned, while Israel would have to cease settlement activity. Israel froze settlement activity for ten months and the result was.....nada. Hamas would have to recognise Israel's right to exist for the Palestinians to be welcomed at any table.

6.Obama then refers to the "almost deal at Camp David" conveniently forgetting to mention that Israel agreed to the exact deal that Obama is proposing now, and it was rejected by Arafat and the Palestinians. Its time to recognise that the Palestinian Arabs have had every opportunity for a state and rejected all of them. Conclusion: They do not recognise Israel, never have and have no intention of honoring any two state solution.

7. As for Israel, they would be insane to negotiate with anybody right now. The so-called arab spring might just turn out to be a winter of discontent for "democratic" forces.

And the speech? A mixture of Hollywood, good intent, schmaltz  and 'something for everybody election rhetoric.' But for Israel, not a bad outcome and definitely not a "bombshell" as described by Fox News. A week from now....just another good Obama speech.

Success is relative. It is what we can make of the mess we have made of things - T.S. Eliot

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